The upcoming Broadway revival of Funny Girl has unveiled the complete company as they begin their official first day of rehearsals. The production, starring Beanie Feldstein as Fanny Brice and Tony and Olivier nominee Ramin Karimloo as Nick Arnstein, begins March 26 at the August Wilson Theatre ahead of an April 24 opening night.
Additional previously announced cast members include Jared Grimes as Eddie Ryan, and Emmy winner Jane Lynch as Mrs. Rosie Brice. They will be joined by Peter Francis James as Florenz Ziegfeld, Ephie Aardema as Emma/Mrs. Nadler, Debra Cardona as Mrs. Meeker, Toni DiBuono as Mrs. Strakosh, Martin Moran as Tom Keeney, and Julie Benko as the standby for Fanny Brice...READ MORE