Disney Theatrical's new Broadway musical Frozen is the timeless tale of two sisters, pulled apart by a mysterious secret. As one young woman struggles to find her voice and harness her powers within, the other embarks on an epic adventure to bring her family together once and for all. Both are searching for love. They just don’t know where to find it.
While we're eagerly awaiting for the curtain to rise on the first performance next year, Frozen has released a new video bringing you behind the scenes at the first photo shoot of stars Caissie Levy (Elsa) and Patti Murin (Anna) with Jelani Alladin (Kristoff) and John Riddle (Hans) in two-time Tony® and Olivier Award-winning scenic and costume designer Christopher Oram's designs for the production. Take a peak at the magic in the video, and book your tickets in advance by visiting the show page below.