Today, the longest-running show in Broadway history reaches a new milestone: The Phantom of the Opera, which opened on January 26, 1988, celebrates its 29th year on Broadway. The show recently became the first and only show in Broadway history to play over 12,000 performances. The Phantom of the Opera has played over 9 years longer than the second longest-running show, Chicago.
It's a good time to be Andrew Lloyd Webber: On top of this exciting milestone, the acclaimed producer will achieve another rare distinction by having four shows playing on Broadway at once. In addition to The Phantom of the Opera, Webber's music can be heard on stage at the revival of Cats and in School of Rock, his newest musical. Sunset Boulevard, featuring Glenn Close's triumphant return to the role of Norma Desmond, opens at the Palace Theatre this spring.
The current cast of The Phantom of the Opera includes James Barbour in the title role, alongside Ali Ewoldt as Christine and Kyle Barisich as Raoul. The musical is currently playing at Broadway's Majestic Theatre, where it has been playing since the Reagan administration.
Photograph by Jeremy Daniel