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Staff Picks: Check Out The Shows We’re Raving About

Broadway Inbound

Each and every group is unique. Whether you're planning an evening with coworkers or celebrating grandma’s 90th birthday, it can be hard to picking the perfect Broadway show. Fortunately, no one knows Broadway better than our team at Broadway Inbound. We're lucky enough to see almost every show, which makes us the right folks to recommend the best show for you. 

We love talking about our favorite shows. Here are some of the shows our team is excited about right now.

Laura’s Pick:
 The Prom

Laura Recommends: I’m recommending The Prom because it’s a hilarious and moving original show with a positive message, lovable characters, and catchy songs! It’s fun to reminisce about the people we were at that age and how far we’ve come since.

Perfect For: Students in middle school and high school. There are lessons to be learned for the younger theater goers that haven’t reached high school yet or are currently in high school.

The Prom in Three Words: Hilarious. Moving. Original.

Meet Laura: Laura fell in love with theatre after seeing The Phantom of the Opera tour in San Antonio, Texas, when she was six years old. “The effect that a show can have on people is something I always wanted to be a part of.”

To purchase group tickets for The Promclick here.


Peter’s Pick: The Ferryman

Peter Recommends: I would recommend The Ferryman for anyone who appreciates an extremely well-crafted play with brilliant, engaging storytelling that will have you thinking about it for weeks afterwards. You feel their struggles, you relate, you yearn for their triumphs, and the stunning conclusion may very well leave you speechless as it did me.

Perfect For: Perfect for anyone who’s experienced love and loss, and shared them with a supportive family.

The Ferryman in Three Words: Riveting. Masterful. Profound.

Meet Peter: Peter grew up in a family of musicians and actors, and he has been seeing theatre for as long as he can remember. "The goal of people making theatre is to create and share art, and hopefully better understand the world we're living in." Peter’s all-time favorite show is The Music Man.

To purchase group tickets for The Ferrymanclick here.


Mollie’s Pick: My Fair Lady

Mollie Recommends: I would recommend My Fair Lady for anyone who loves a perfect, classic musical. It’s a lovely escape from the stresses of today, and yet it doesn’t sacrifice a modern message of growth and self-worth, and of understanding your own capacity for change and empathy. The set is just as impressive as any high-tech feature in theatre today.

Perfect For: This show is perfect for tourists who are looking for an old-fashioned Broadway musical, Senior groups, and long-time theatre lovers.

My Fair Lady in Three Words: Classic. Lovely. Timeless.

Meet Mollie: Mollie’s mother used to play the cast album of Jesus Christ Superstar into her pregnant belly. When she made her acting debut in a theatre troupe at the age of five, Mollie knew she wanted to be involved in the theatre industry in any way possible.

To purchase group tickets for My Fair Ladyclick here.


Author: Christine Nyland